On hearing their father’s cry, the two women rushed in to chase the men out of the store.
The CCTV footage shows a gang of six men entering a store. They wear helmets and gloves and brandish pocket knives threatening the old man in the store. The man starts pushing the robbers out the front door. Suddenly he is joined by two women. One of them fall trying to chase the robbers but together they shove the men successfully out of their shop, preventing the heist from taking place.
The above incident happened in Bengaluru’s Jayanagar. The two women are the store owners’ daughters, who with this act of courage have prevented their father’s store from being robbed. The entire incident was captured in the store’s CCTV camera.
Watch: Two women help their dad shove an armed gang of robbers out of their jewellery store in Jayanagar, Bengaluru. pic.twitter.com/kYEdxblWG8
— Sreedevi Jayarajan (@Sreedevi_Jay) June 2, 2018
“I have two daughters and no sons. They turned out to be my protectors on that fateful day,” the 62-year old told DH, after the incident which took place on May 21 at 8:20 pm.
The jewellery store on Ashok Pillar road is connected to his house, which is at the back of the store, through a door. The owner’s two daughters stay with him in the house along with their husbands. They assist their father in the jewellery business.
According to the store owner, his daughters rushed in to help him on hearing him and his assistant cry after the robbers demanded that they hand over the jewellery.
On witnessing their courage, the south division police applauded them, stating that these women showed extreme courage despite the robbers brandishing knives at them.
The police are also conducting investigations on the attempted heist and suspect that the men were amateurs. Their investigations are reportedly heading in a few directions, the police told DH.