Son of Bengaluru MLA NA Haris, Mohammed Nalapad was jailed for beating up a man. Now out on bail, he offered regret for his actions.
India’s prisons are no joke, and the jury is out on whether they offer convicts and under trials any chance of reform. But for one man – a VIP who was forced to go to jail – the experience has been such that he now finally understands what everyday life in Bengaluru feels like. Mohammad Haris Nalapad – the son of Bengaluru MLA NA Haris – was jailed for allegedly assaulting a man black and blue. And when he went to jail, he apparently realised what life is like without water.
Nalapad claims that his 115 days in prison has reformed him as a human being, and on Wednesday, he apologised to his father and grandfather during a public speech.
Nalapad, who's out on bail for the alleged brutal attack on 24-year-old Vidvat Loganathan at Farzi Café in Bengaluru in February, expressed regret for his actions, in a clear attempt to garner sympathy.
Addressing a public function in Shanthinagar, Nalapad apologised to his father’s supporters for hurting them through his actions. He admitted that his time in jail has taught him some lessons and hardships of life.
“Before I went to jail, I did not know anything about the problems of the poor. I did not know about water scarcity. I lived in luxury and without worries. I did not know what suffering from water shortage was like until I was in jail. When I would turn on the tap in the middle of the night to find there is no water, I understood your struggle. It helped me to understand the life of ordinary people. If anyone understands the water shortage better today, it is me. I will try my best to help you people in getting better civic amenities,” Nalapad said.
He also apologised to his father and grandfather for making their lives miserable after the brutal attack, for which MLA NA Haris had received serious flak. “My grandfather suffered a lot because of me. I caused him so much pain. I will never hurt him again. I know I hurt my father too. I know he loves me more than anything in this world. From this day on, I will strive to be a better son,” he added.
Nalapad said that prison had taught him how to be a “good human being” and that it was the biggest lesson he learnt in Parappana Agrahara.
He also defended himself and said that when he went to Mallya Hospital after Vidvat was admitted there, he did not mean to harm him and only wanted to help.
“I felt terrible about what happened to Vidvat but I have to say that I did not know Vidvat and his father before the incident. I went to Mallya Hospital to help him because I heard he had suffered serious injuries. I only went to help him and not intimidate him. One thing I have learnt is that people perceived me to be arrogant because of my gait and body language. I have learnt so many things about myself and prison has taught me to be humble,” he added. Nalapad's claims come despite the Prosecution and the victim's lawyer giving detailed accounts to the court on how he had been assaulted.