BJP MP Ananth Kumar Hegde caught on camera beating up doctor at Karnataka...
ViolenceBJP has distanced itself from the MP, saying the party is not accountable for an individual’s actions.TNM StaffAnant Kumar Hegde_PTI.jpegPTIIn a shocking incident, unbecoming of a...
View ArticleNational Commission for Women issues notices to Parameshwara, Azmi
GenderThe NCW has asked the minister to tender a public apology and has given him five days to reply.IANSAzmi_Parameshwara.jpgThe National Commission for Women on Tuesday issued notices to Karnataka...
View ArticleReports of molestation in Bengaluru during New Year's Eve take ugly political...
PoliticsPoliticians have been literally competing with each other saying sexist and inane stuff TNM Staffwomen molested 2.jpgBangalore MirrorReports of “mass molestation” in Bengaluru on the night of...
View ArticleMy statement on ‘molestation’ twisted out of context: K’taka minister...
Molestation"We also request anybody who has information (on the incident) to come forth and report to the police," he said.IANSG_Parameshwara 3x2.jpgKarnataka Home Minister G. Parameshwara on Tuesday...
View ArticleHorrifying video shows Bengaluru woman groped, harassed and robbed in New...
Sexual AssaultThe video comes even as the city debates the alleged “mass molestation” on MG Road.TNM Staffcctv 2.jpgEven as Bengaluru comes to terms with the alleged “mass molestation” on New Year’s...
View ArticleKarnataka Cong leader CM Ibrahim accused by family of forcibly aborting...
CrimeIbrahim's brother CM Khader has filed a police complaint. TNM Staffcm_ibrahim_pti.jpgDeputy Chairman of the Karnataka Planning Board and former Union Minister CM Ibrahim on Tuesday was accused of...
View ArticleThis isn’t the Bangalore I know: Man whose CCTV recorded Bengaluru...
Sexual Assault"I watched the CCTV footage and I was shocked at what I saw. The girl had been sexually assaulted right next to my house.”Theja Ramgroping-video-screenshot-4.jpgBusinessman Francis had...
View ArticleSeveral men detained after Bengaluru molestation video surfaces, families...
CrimeThe three minute footage shows a woman being sexually assaulted by two men, while four others watch.Theja RamBengaluru_Molestation_Arrested_Family.jpgThe Banasawadi police have detained several...
View Article‘It was tough, we helped many people’: Bengaluru cops on what happened on New...
Sexual AssaultMolestation in Bengaluru on New Year’s Eve: The cop side of the storyTheja Rambangalore horror.jpgBengaluru has hogged national headlines for three days now. A considerable population of...
View ArticleComplaint against former minister CM Ibrahim for forcefully aborting...
PoliticsThe Karnataka State Commission for Women said she has sought details from the police on Ifa’s abortionTNM Staffcm_ibrahim_pti.jpgPTI/file photoAfter former Union Minister CM Ibrahim was accused...
View Article'I respect women, that is my culture': K'taka HM changes tune on Bengaluru...
Bengaluru MolestationI studied abroad, I never said I disrespect Western culture says ParameshwaraTNM Staffpress-conference-5_1.jpgFour days after his much-condemned comments on the molestation of...
View ArticleBJP, media playing up B’luru molestations to spoil Pravasi Bharatiya Divas:...
Bengaluru MolestationsThe BJP had similarly maligned Karnataka over the assault of a Tanzanian student ahead of the Global Investors Meet, Kalappa allegedTNM...
View ArticleFour arrested in Bengaluru molestation case, they had been stalking woman for...
Sexual AssaultFour arrested in Bengaluru molestation case, one a commerce student in a city collegeTNM Staffcctv 2.jpgFacing heat over the multiple instances of molestation on New Year’s Eve in...
View ArticleSix-year-old Bengaluru boy Lakshay back to school after seven-month long...
HealthHis parents say he is a miracle child. TNM StaffLakshay_Surgery_coma 3x2.jpgSeeing six-year old Lakshay return to his school in Bengaluru on Wednesday after nearly seven months in hospital, his...
View Article‘Why was she out at 2:40am?’ Debunking the logic that B’luru victim was...
Gender ViolenceEven as anger against the molesters overflowed, many men and women have asked why the victim was out so late without a male escort.Anna Isaacgroping-video-screenshot-3.jpgThe shocking...
View ArticleNew Year’s Eve revelry in Bengaluru: Three waiters stabbed by drunk customers
CrimeDrunk customers threw a table at a group of women. When the waiters tried to stop them, they were stabbed.Theja Ramknife_muder_killing_stabbing_17_0_0.jpgPTIWhile Bengaluru debates the safety of...
View ArticleBeware Bengaluru, the city is headed towards a severe water crisis in the future
Water ShortageNorth and north eastern parts of the city have exploited 85% of the ground water, leading to depletion. TNM StaffDrinking water.jpgPTIThe south and south western part of Bengaluru have...
View ArticleFormer union min Ibrahim’s daughter tells why she thinks her family killed...
Crime Iffa said that the doctors had told her that something was given to her which killed her baby.TNM Staffcm_ibrahim_pti.jpgPTIIffa Asa, the 22-year old daughter of former Union minister CM Ibrahim,...
View ArticleOnly 1 in 100 sexual assaults in Karnataka ends in conviction
Sexual AssaultNationwide, one in 10 such cases ended in conviction, 10 times better than Karnataka's record.IANSsexual_abuse_PTI 750x500.jpgBy Devanik Saha The New Year's eve sexual attacks against...
View ArticleReview: In 'Pushpaka Vimana', lazy scripting and direction masquerade as...
Film ReviewThe film treats its protagonist with pity and not empathy.Rakesh MeharPushpaka_Vimana_Screenshot_YouTubeTrailer.jpgScreenshot/ YoutubeIt’s a premise that offers up a world of joy and pain,...
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