Bengaluru police launch online selfie contest to encourage use of skywalks
CampaignCitizens used #SelfieOnskywalk and #besafe when posting the photos on social media.TNM Staffselfie skywalk.jpgImage Courtesy: TwitterHave you ever had police personnel scoff at you for stopping...
View ArticleKarnataka Cong leader Jaffer Sharief backs Mohan Bhagwat for President;...
PoliticsIncumbent Pranab Mukherjee’s term is set to end on July 24, 2017. TNM StaffJaffer_Sharief_PTI 750x500.jpgPTI / File photoDefying his party’s stand on the matter, Karnataka Congress leader...
View ArticleLiquor ban: With 70% licenses lost, K’taka dealers to demand denotification...
LiquorThe association representatives are set to meet the excise commissioner to put forth this demand. TNM Staffliquor pti.jpgImage Courtesy: PixabayWith the Supreme Court order on ban on liquor...
View ArticleTN asks Karnataka to release Cauvery water on humanitarian grounds, Karnataka...
Cauvery DisputeKarnataka assured the Tamil Nadu delegation that it would be able to release water if the state receives rainfall.TNM StaffCauvery_river_MoEF.jpgA four-member delegation from the...
View Article14 held with scrapped notes of Rs 9.10 crore in Bengaluru
Demonetisation The police have also seized 15 mobile phones, two two-wheelers and two four-wheelers from the arrested persons.IANSprison_jail__arrested3x2.jpgFourteen persons, including son-in-law of...
View Article‘Won’t let it become another Bellandur lake’: Bengalureans revive a forgotten...
EnvironmentIt’s mission clean-up Chunchghatta lake!Megha Varierlake cleaning main_Edited.jpgThe residents of JP Nagar, a neighbourhood in south Bengaluru are on a mission to revive a forgotten lake in...
View ArticleWithout summer showers, Bengaluru will plunge into water crisis, TN will get...
Drought"If we do not get sufficient summer showers, we might have end up rationalising water supply,” BWSSB Chairman said.TNM StaffTap_water_scarcity_edited_pixabay.jpgWith mercury levels on the rise...
View ArticleMild tremors felt in parts of Karnataka, woman dies of cardiac arrest
Natural DisasterAccording to the Karnataka State Disaster Monitoring Centre, the quake that struck at 6 40 am measured 2.02 on the Richter scale and lasted not more than ten seconds. TNM...
View ArticleDeath of 3 manual scavengers in Bengaluru: Contractor claims he isn't...
Manual ScavengingHowever, a BWSSB official said that they had no written record of the project being sub-contracted.TNM StaffBengaluru manual scavenger death.jpgAlmost a month after three men died in a...
View ArticleCount every drop Bengaluru: Water rationing begins in city, unofficially
Water ShortageWhile some are getting water once in a week, others have to buy tanker water.Theja RamDrinking water.jpgPixabayIt’s time to wake up and smell the dry earth, Bengaluru. Summer may have...
View ArticleAudacity of sand miners: Two women officers attacked by mob during raid in...
CrimeDC Francis told TNM that she was shocked that the villagers were not worried about the consequences of attacking officials.Theja RamSand_Mining_Representative.jpgYouTube/Representative ImageA...
View ArticleManipal’s iconic Kamath Canteen broken down, this is what they plan to do...
StudentsNot everyone's happy with the decision.KC_Manipal.JPGCourtesy: Dhruv Khannaby Takshak Pai As students of Manipal University (MU) set out for the end semester break in late 2016, rumours were...
View ArticleThis BJP MLA just took cow-politics to another level, junks 5-star to stay at...
PoliticsS. Suresh Kumar is campaigning for BJP candidate Srinivasa Prasad in Nanjangud by-election scheduled for April 9.IANScow shed pti 3x2.jpgA Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) lawmaker in Karnataka has...
View ArticleB'luru student jumps to death from 19th floor of Mumbai high-rise after...
Death Initial investigations reveal that he hails from Bengaluru and is son of a businessman.TNM Staffarjun bharadwaj.pngA 20-year-old student from Bengaluru committed suicide by jumping from the 19th...
View ArticleBengaluru dance teacher held for allegedly raping student after promising to...
CrimeThe woman, reportedly a dance teacher herself, had approached Christopher in 2014 to learn aerobics.TNM Staffhandcuffs 750x500.jpgThe Banaswadi police in Bengaluru arrested a dance teacher from...
View ArticleWith water crisis worsening, Karnataka govt to drill deeper in search of water
DroughtThe government will now exploit the underground water reserves in the state, in the wake of even borewells running dry. TNM StaffTap_water_scarcity_pixabay.jpg160 of the 176 taluks in Karnataka...
View ArticleDeath of a house-help in Bengaluru: Time to open our eyes to minors...
DeathMostly, minors are brought from North East or states like Jharkhand, and the employer makes a one-time payment to the agency.Geetika MantriTheja Ramhands-chained-pixabay.jpgImage for...
View ArticlePFI party workers allege custodial violence, pelt stones at Mangaluru...
ProtestThe party activists have alleged that Ahmed Qureshi, arrested for the murder of Prakash Poojary, was tortured in police custody.Theja RamPFI protest Mangaluru.jpegActivists of the Popular Front...
View ArticleNo, sick cows are not affecting the milk production in Karnataka - here’s the...
AnimalsGuess what? 0.000007% of cows have been affected by the foot and mouth disease.Theja RamCows_Moo_PTI.jpgPTIAre you worried that your daily milk consumption will suffer due to the recent outbreak...
View ArticleKarnataka Tourism Minister slams Goa counterpart’s call for a ban on nomadic...
PoliticsPriyank Kharge asked why the Lamanis were excluded from the BJP’s “Sab ka saat, sab ka vikaas”Soumya Chatterjeepriaynk_kharge_twitter_750x500.jpgOfficial twitter Karnataka Tourism Minister...
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